Saturday, February 15, 2020

Biology and Stem Cells Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Biology and Stem Cells - Article Example The embryonic stem cells (ESC) can be described as pluripotent which means that the cells can form any type of specialized cell. In addition, ESC can be considered as more widespread and ubiquitous as compared to the nonembryonic stem cells (non-ESC). The main source of ESC is the inner cell mass of blastocyst which is formed within a few days of the fertilization of egg which will develop into the fetus. The use and importance of the ESC had been recognized and thus the ESC line had been established in 1998 from an embryo. These ESC lines are created to be able to provide sources for the extraction of undifferentiated cells for application in the medical field. Aside from the extraction of ESC from embryos, there is an alternative manner of producing such cells. In the process known as the ‘nuclear transfer’ or therapeutic cloning, the nonphysiological ESC lines are produced. The nonembryonic stem cells, also referred to as non-ESC, are â€Å"multipotent† due to the restricted function in terms of differentiation and development into specialized cell types. The main sources of non-ESC are adults, specifically, the bone marrow thus referred to as the adult stem cells. The non-ESC can be classified as hemopoietic and mesenchymal stem cells. Hemopoietic stem cells can develop into the different types of blood cells. The mesenchymal stem cells are less differentiated compared to the other type. In addition to bone marrow sources, other sources are nose, muscle, liver, skin, brain, and eye (esp. retina and limbus). It is important to consider that although from adult source, stem cells are derived from comparatively less developed tissue sources.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Riesman, how does the rise of bureaucratic Essay

Riesman, how does the rise of bureaucratic - Essay Example The â€Å"inner directed† domain of individuality loses primacy when personal values are compromised for the sake of gratifying other people. In a bureaucratic type of environment, social acceptance is deemed to be very significant. Moreover, in a mass society dominated by the attitude of following trends and fashion, the â€Å"other directed† features rule out the â€Å"inner directed†. The transition occurs whenever an individual becomes aware of the relevance of coping up with the changing times. The moment an individual learns to filter out messages from the social environment and to process these messages to something that would be beneficial for the self, then the shift from the â€Å"inner directed† to the â€Å"other directed† takes place. In simpler terms, â€Å"inner directed† character denotes individuality or independent thinking whereas â€Å"outer directed† means cooperation and the likelihood to compromise, which is the fundamental attitude requirement of advance capitalism (Kivisto 1998: p. 112). Riesman further asserts that the shift in the social character was brought about by the transition of the society. He had delineated three stages of this societal transformation: the traditional, the inner directed and the outer directed. For him, the traditional stage is the best form of social character because it has the potentiality to develop in a high degree (p. 112). In these levels of social development, Riesman integrated the concept of the old and the new middle class. The old middle class that thrived in the traditional stage were the feudal lords and other individuals from an aristocratic blood. The new middle class that arose in the contemporary period are the entrepreneurs who are driven not by competition but cooperation. These two middle classes that existed from different times were in conflict when it comes to social character. The old middle class is more inclined on